Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to the world baby Felicity!

I finally had my baby! HOORAY!!!!!!!

What up girl!?! Felicity Carlin Sellier born on 11-15-10 6:26 am 9 lbs 7 oz 22 in

Why yes, I was going for the too much blush slash ill-fitting gown look.

Trying to let gravity do its thangggg

ice chips!


Big foot?!

I traded my makeup for a BABY!!!

She is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen.  My little berry!

We found a large cardboard cutout our doc, Dr. Fisk, in the hall. My delivery Captain, indeed.

A proud and handsome papa!!

My babes.
All in all I had a easy, semi-fast delivery. We feel so blessed everything worked out, and that we have a happy healthy babe on our hands!!

So that is the reason I haven't been blogging! I've been baby-ing!!! Hopefully when things settle down in the next few weeks, I will have time to blog again. In the mean time I have been stalking the blogs when I have the time.  

Hope everyone enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday!

Much love,

Charlie (& baby Felicity!)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Three Things Thursday- A Halloween Confession!

Truth? I strongly dislike Halloween. Or I mean, I strongly dislike certain parts of Halloween. I loathe dressing up, or when people try to make me dress up. NO THANKS. I think the only time I've ever dressed up past the age of 13 was once. In college. The only reason my roommates convinced me was because I was well into my bottle of Riesling. And by "well into" I mean I had taken it to the face (sorry mom)! Ughhhhh. And don't even get me started on how Halloween is just an excuse for girls to dress like a total Skank-o-saurus Rex.

Maybe I don't have the fondest feelings toward Halloween because people have never really bought what I was selling in the ole' costume department. When I was in 3rd or 4th grade I dressed up as....A CARROT. I remember my mom making the costume out of orange and green felt. ORANGE FELT FOR DAYS!! I was basically an orange triangle with a green stem. And I was proud. Mama Nixonsleeve was proud. But much to our dismay, no one seemed to get it. I remember knocking on one lady's door and she said, "Awww, what are you supposed to be? A deformed pumpkin?" Ummm excuse me madame, I most certainly am NOT a deformed pumpkin. I happen to be one of the most delicious and crisp root vegetables in all the land, athankyou.

Fast forward to 8th grade when a friend and I dressed up as cats. I will admit, it was a sub par effort on our part. We wore all black, threw on some ears, painted on a pink nose, whiskers and called it a night. BUT at least we were dressed up! My friend Katie and I went trick-or-treating in her neighborhood (some houses gave out FULL SIZE candy bars. Score!), and everything was going swimmingly until we hit one of the last houses. We knocked, a woman opened the door, "Trick or Treat!!", we said. She smiled, looked at us and said, "Aren't you alittle OLD to be trick-or-treating?" We were crushed. Yet flattered. I remember  simultaneously thinking, "I'm only in eighth grade!! But I need to hang out with this lady more often because she obvi knows I'm going places." We told her how old we were and she says, "Well looks like this will be your last year then, huh?!" WOAH, OK PUSHY McPUSHERSON. WE GET IT. We are past our prime. Our trick-or-treating biological clock has expired. JUST HAND OVER THE FULL SIZE REECE'S CUPS AND NO ONE GETS HURT.

(Wow. Sounds like someone is riding the Bitter Bus that they are preggers this Halloween season..............) But seriously. Let's take a look at some of my options:

Anything that suggests wearing white pumps= no.

I'm pretty sure this would make me the least appealing Geisha on the block. Although the socks are a plus.

Oh please. I would never insult Lady Liberty like that!

She's trying to cover feeling like a loser with a big smile. I applaud her.  (P.S. That bun looks super questionable)

I'm also annoyed by the people who try to rep Halloween like it's a real holiday. I mean it is in that it's nationally recognized...but it's not. Because when you're competing with holidays like Christmas (the Supreme Holiday in my opinion) and Easter, trying to justify the day people dress like fools and tools is just sort of redic. I sound so negative BUT ALAS, here are three things I LIKE about All Hallows Eve...

1. Kids dressed up.

Ummm...amazing. Next question.
 2. Halloween decorations.

Pottery Barn could possibly turn around this whole, "Halloween is for the birds" thing I have going on. They have the best, most sophisticated, Halloween decorations around.


3. Candy!!!

This is pretty much an open and shut case. Everyone whose anyone likes candy.

I hope I don't sound too blah about Halloween. Truth be told it's probably because the thought of getting up every time a little one knocks on my door is just too much for my old pregnant bones to handle. (Joel you have door duty. Kisses!) However there are some Pros. And despite the strong emotions Halloween conjures up in me, I do hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday!!

If you need me you can find me at home. I'll be going as the-uncomfortable-pregnant-woman-who-refuses-to-change-out-of-her-bathrobe-even-though-it's-4 o'clock-in-the-afternoon. Cheers!

Have fun & be safe! :)


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Weddings!

Two of my friends got married recently...Here are a few pics of their BEAUTIFUL weddings! (And a few of my own wedding--I couldn't resist!) ;) Enjoy!

Jenna and John October 16th, 2010

Trish and Bennett August 2nd, 2010

Charlie and Joel February 14th, 2010

Ohhh weddings are the best, aren't they!? Love it!



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Good Deal From Piperlime!

Happy Birthday, Piperlime! When it's Piperlime's birthday everyone wins!

Since my ever-growing Frodo Baggins feet can't be trusted right now, I ended up getting this lil' guy...

Hurrah! Get over to Piperlime today, and treat yourself! YOU DESERVE IT!!!!



Friday, October 22, 2010


Hello hello! T.A.I.F.!! I hope everyone has an exciting/relaxing weekend planned :) I'm looking forward to carving pumpkins, watching Joel clean out the garage (!!), and going to a Baptism. Pretty relaxed but that's what we need. Hurrahhhhh!

Here's some Natalie Dee to kick off the weekend...


Go forth and have a super weekend! See you next week :)


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Three Things Thursday- The Jose Edition!

Time for some Three Things Thursday!

1.   Sorry I haven't posted recently! We have been in full Mock 10 Status (I don't know what that means but it sure makes everything sound serious) with the baby preparations. I feel like every free moment I've had has been spent laying on my bed watching marathons of Teen Mom at a doctor's appointment, baby prep class, or hospital tour. (By the by, we keep getting these total Milktoast McGees in our baby prep events. I will tell you about them all at another time.) We also pretty much finished the nursery this weekend, and I'm so excited to get someone with a legit camera to take pictures of it! Joel and I feel proud of the results. It's still missing a few essential pieces like, ohhhh I dunno....the crib mattress but everything else is in order. I can't decide if I want to put up pics before or after the baby comes. It would be a really nice effect to have a baby physically in the room for pictures. Am I only thinking of how I can use my baby as a PROP for the nursery photoshoot, and not how it will bring joy to this dark dark world? Yes. I am already a bad mom.
A lot of THIS happening in the NixonSleeve house
2. In other news, I met the smartest man in the world a very nice gentlemen yesterday. In window #1 of the Wendy's drive-thru. His name was Jose, and I think I love him. (Sorry Joe-L.) As he was reaching for my money he said, "Should I congratulate you yet?" and I was like, "For what? Downing a largo #10 with Diet Coke?" And he says, "No, for the baby! Is it a boy or a girl?!" Now secretly I was thrown off because I didn't think he could even see into my car that well. But who am I kidding, the belly can probs be seen from the space shuttle at this point. (Sidebar: I now weep thinking of all the times I've worn my bathrobe through the drive-thru because I was too lazy to change for my late night fast food run. And I thought, ohhhh they don't notice, they are too busy asking me what kind of sauce I want. Right? Wrong. They saw me. And they judged me.)
Employer of Champions. Judger of bathrobes?
So anyway, I told him the gender. (Sorry to all my friends who we haven't told, but if I say, "It's a secret!" to strangers they look at me like I'm a loser. And I'm OK with that because it WOULD sort of make me a loser.) And he says, "Well congratulations! You're baby is going to be magnificent!!" Oh Jose. You slyyyyyy dog. I loved this on so many levels. One- I could tell he didn't use the word magnificent for just anyone. He said it with such GUSTO...I was so happy to be The Chosen One. Two- Magnificent is an extremely under used adjective. Jose and I are going to bring it back...right after our candlelight dinner. Three- He is right. My babe IS going to be magnificent. Truthfully the whole interaction was super precious and I just wanted to rip his little head set off and plant a wet one right on him! Wendy is looking down on you Jose, and she is proud.

3. This is a two part process....

One- WATCH THIS it's called The Hair Petting Game and it's the most hilarious/disturbing thing ever. It's not gross or bad disturbing, just weird and awesome disturbing. I found out about this YouTube video a few years ago, but randomly thought of it yesterday. I watched it again, and it does not disappoint. Get out there and pet some hair!!

Two- Tell me if I'm loco for wanting these...
Juicy Couture- $100
They just look so warm and inviting and water resistant!!! I feel as though $100 is a good price, but I could be wrong. I need your help ATOTS readers!!

Tonight is the second half of our baby prep class. If all goes well we will score a seat next to the Russian Mail Order bride and her albino husband. That always makes for a good time.

